Monday, July 5, 2010

What To Look For In A Baby Jogger Stroller

by: Joane Stroal
Have you been impatiently looking forward to start off your afternoon exercising or jogging following your childbirth? If you are, you'll need a Baby Jogger Stroller. The good qualities helps it to be well suited for strolling or running.

You have probably already learned about Even so, are you aware of what it is and which benefits it will bring to your daily routine?

Navigating around the area if you either do not have an auto or perhaps favor to leave it at your home could pose an issue to parents with 2 young children. Quite a few strollers are easily too wide to get through doorways when ever you need to mix work outs along with shopping. Baby jogger strollers are strollers which make exercise simple. It's the most beneficial technology yet created for moms and dads and simple flexibility to transport a baby. Rata Penuh

These kinds of push strollers are easily the best resolution for moms that want to get her figure back again soon after birth. The justification nearly all women give not being active is the fact that the baby wants attention plus there is no one to take care of them. With the use of this jogging stroller no new mother will have to leave her little one, she can take him along with her to exercise!

Guys are able to use these kinds of baby strollers too. For instance, if you want to step out to get a early morning run and you've got no one which can take care of your child, by using the baby stroller ?s going to be the alternative. As a matter of fact, now-a-days, a large number of males are increasingly using these.

Baby jogger strollers tend not to only serve for exercise uses, in addition, they deliver simplicity in your lifestyle. Carrying your baby about to any pursuit in a is going to be much easier as compared to without one. As an example, you can go to your food store and still carry bags!

Additionally, these types of strollers aren't only useful, but they're also light weight which makes it simple to take everywhere. Additionally, babies have total freedom to move as a result of the adaptable features.

Most of these strollers are designed for a single baby as well as twins. This is the perfect answer for those parents who want to carry 2 infants rather than 1.

Try out the revolutionary baby jogger strollers, you'll prove that they are really a solution to parent's prayers.

If you want to get back in shape rapidly? A baby jogger stroller is the key to getting your shape back again while enabling your infant to get outdoors. You should definitely pay attention to consumer reviews and safety features.

Behavior Discipline: It’s All In The Follow Through

by: John Weyenberg
If you have ever played sports, then the term ‘follow through’ should be familiar. It generally refers to seeing the action a player is engaged in through to its conclusion. In baseball, a pitcher doesn’t just release the ball. He needs to follow through after the release of the ball to have optimal speed and placement of his pitch. A hitter doesn’t just swing at a ball. The hitter needs to follow through in order to have the best bat speed and the most power when he does hit the ball. A basketball player needs follow through when he shoots the ball to have the best accuracy and distance for his shot.

A parent needs to have follow through in order to have the best behavior discipline. It is not enough to simply warn your child not to engage in a certain type of behavior. A warning simply puts the child on notice. A parent must follow through with discipline when the said behavior continues. Allow me to illustrate this with an example of what I consider ‘bad practice’ and what I consider ‘good practice’ regarding this concept of follow through.

Bad practice: Let’s say that Joey has a toy plastic bat and starts to pound it on the side of the TV. His mother gives him a warning: “Stop doing that or you will get a time out.” Joey thinks for a minute and then starts to hit the TV with the bat again. This time the mother issues a similar warning: “I told you to stop that or you would get a time out.” She then proceeds to do whatever it was that she was doing and does not give Joey a time out. This ‘game’ that Joey is playing continues several more times before his mother gets up and takes the bat away. Joey did not receive the time out. Joey has learned that he can get away with a lot and that his mother will likely not follow through with her empty threats of discipline. If this is a pattern for the mother, then pushing the limits will indeed become a game for Joey and he will likely establish a pattern of poor behavior.

Good practice: Let’s use the same scenario. Joey hits the TV with the bat and his mother warns him that if he does it again, he will get a time out. Joey does it again. This mother then gets up and takes the bat away and places Joey in a time out in his room. In this example, the mother has demonstrated ‘follow through’. She issued a warning and on the next occurrence of the behavior (which amounted to outright defiance on Joey’s part), she places him in time out just like she said she would. Joey has learned that his mother is true to her word and that she will do what she says.

In terms of behavior discipline, consistent follow through by the parents will eliminate many types of misbehavior. The child will learn quickly that his or her parents mean what they say and that continued misbehavior is not worth the effort. This should be the aim of every parent and it is easy to accomplish with clear warnings and consistent follow through.

Lack of consistency in regards to ‘follow through’ not only makes your job as a parent a lot more difficult, it allows your child some license to misbehave more due to the lack of consequences. Think about it. If you were late to work everyday and your boss never said anything to you about it, then why would you alter your behavior. More than likely you would continue to be late to work everyday until someone said something or until there were consequences to your being late.

As a parent, you owe it to your child to follow through with the warnings that you give your child. Help them to learn that some behaviors are not okay and these behaviors will not be tolerated. Help them learn early that there are consequences to our behavior, both good and bad.

Teach Your Baby Math Easily And Don't Force Them!

by: Bernie William
When you teach your baby math you need to do it in a gentle way, and don't try to force them to learn. You might become so eager for them to learn that you start forcing the issue, and this will not help them learn at all. Give them the start they deserve, but nicely.

Every parents wants to be the best parent, you may have had the name for your baby picked out long before they were born, the nursery ready and just waited for them to get here so you could teach them and help them grow. That is great but slow down. You need to have the right motives if you want to teach your baby math. Make sure that you are thinking about the child and do not just want to get ahead of other peoples children.

Most of us did not get the chance to learn math when we were babies simply because this was not a common thing that was going on back then. Now days you see the commercials on the television and online but maybe you do not know if it is really happening or if it's just some nutty scam. Well I'll have to tell you that it's really possible to teach your baby math.

When you teach your baby important things like math at a young age you are going to be able to really take the pressure off of your child as they grow older. When they get to preschool or kindergarten they are really going to have a big learning platform to stand on and they will have things much easier since they are not going to have to concentrate as hard because of knowing the fundamentals.

Make sure that your baby is interested in learning and that you never force them or you could actually cause some set backs. You can begin teaching as early as 1 month old. This may seem a little young but really it is not young at all. You will be able to do this easily by just taking a few minutes a day with your child using some simple software that is quite inexpensive.

Keep a great attitude when you are teaching your baby and you are going to find that they pick up very quickly and enjoy the learning process and so will you.

Don't force the issue with them! Teach your baby math with a lot of love and kindness, and you will be putting them in the best position to learn and succeed.

Importance of Reading Aloud with Children

by: Sherrie Hardy

Finding the time to sit down and read aloud with our children is difficult. Evenings are often packed. We get home late from work or activities with the kids. We need to make dinner, help with homework and get our children to sleep. We deserve a little time to ourselves to do email, watch a favorite TV program or chat with our partner. However, by not sticking read aloud in to the family routine, we are missing out on an opportunity to facilitate our child’s life long literacy.

“The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in Reading is reading aloud to children.” U.S. Department of Education Commission on Reading

The benefits of reading aloud to our children are numerous. This role of parent as reader and story teller should begin at birth and end only when necessary. As your child grows, the read aloud changes to include different subjects, genres and time periods. Below is a short list highlighting ten advantages to reading aloud:

1. By setting time aside to read and talk about it with you child, you make your son or daughter feel very important and loved.

2. Reading to your child gives them the opportunity to see different lives, worlds, and choices. This provides chances to talk to your children about respect and tolerance.

3. Enjoying books with parents leads kids to be motivated to read books by themselves.

4. Stories are full of rich vocabulary. Hearing these words helps develop the child’s own vocabulary bank.

5. Written language is different than spoken language. It is helpful for kids to listen to both when developing their own language skills.

6. Reading stories aloud sparks questions and conversations about the plot, characters, or ending. These conversations lead to a deeper understanding of the text. This is what successful readers do themselves when reading silently. Read Aloud is an excellent opportunity to model these behaviors.

7. Listening to books and stories helps develop imagination.

8. Standardized tests almost always assess reading (directly or indirectly). Just by reading aloud, you are giving your child tools to perform better on those exams.

9. The ability to sustain listening for an extended period of time is practiced.

10. It is fun!

It is essential to find a time in your routine to include read aloud for children of all ages. Many people stick it in just before bed time. Others steal time after dinner. Find whatever works for you and your child. It is a fun time to share together which just also happens to provide tons of benefits.

Find Out How to Manage Stress With Your Autistic Child

by: Bonita Darula

What is stress? The dictionary describes it as "mental, emotional or physical tension; strain, distress." . Stress is not necessarily bad. The level of stress differs from each of us. It is like the tension of a harp string. You have a child with autism, who could bring you stress. This is almost certain and unavoidable. There are times you feel you will never make it through the day without experiencing the stress factor. How can you manage stress with your autistic child?

I know from my own experience, an autistic child can be extremely difficult to handle, and understand, due to their many various behavior patterns of expressing themselves. This is stressful for you as parent(s), caregiver(s) and family members. But, you can learn to manage stress.

You as parent(s), caregiver(s), want what is best for your child with autism. Due to this fact, most children require much of our attention. Autistic children, require close attention, sometimes one on one care, and even 24 hour care. It is overloading at times. This too will cause stress.

Start to manage stress by not to over committing yourself. There are times when you have too much to do, and not enough time to do it with all of the other responsibilities, of raising your autistic child. There are times when you commit yourself to doing something that you really do not want to do, but you do it, just to make other people happy.

Another way you can manage your stress, is not to overextend yourself by trying to do too many things you want to do, because you are trying to take advantage of the time you have for yourself. Having an autistic child does require time, patience, and sacrifices.

I know when I overextend myself, and try to do too much, in order to fill in the gaps where I have free time, I get exhausted. Taking on this kind of behavior, you and your autistic child will not benefit from the joy of life. I have had numerous times in my life, when I was tired and I should have rested. I continued to push myself to go out, or to have company. I would end up exhausted, instead of being tired. Exhausted people usually become grouchy and impatient. This often caused strife in our family and led to more stress. This is not managing stress.

There are times when you have "just had it" with your child. You feel you want your own way, instead of trying to make changes, being flexible, and adaptable. You probably wanted everyone else to see your view, and do what you want them to do, your way. By doing this, it will only create more stress. Not good management of stress.

Remember, having an autistic child will, and can create stress. It is important to weigh your issues, determine how you can avoid the ones that you feel will create the stress, and then develop a way to redirect those issues to avoid stress. This will help to manage your stress.

If you continue to have stress when challenges come from raising your child with autism, you will have burnout. Burnout comes from physical and emotional exhaustion, resulting from long-term stress. You want to be strong and healthy for your child. When burnout comes, the stress depletes your body, and your immune system becomes weak and sickness and depression can set in. Burnout causes you to be out of control, and you will probably not be an attribute to your child who has the disorder of autism.

It is wise, when you feel your child is causing you stress, to be in control of the situation, by being aware of what is creating it. In addition, you as parent(s), caregiver(s), must take care of yourself. Managing your stress, especially when it is created because of your autistic child, is like managing your weight.You need to take of yourself, and be aware of the pitfalls that can bring on stress.

You can learn to manage your stress that is caused by your child who has autism, by:

* Taking a nice hot bath to relax, and totally let go.

* Give yourself permission to relax.

* Go for a walk in a park, or sit under a tree and read.

* Jog, bicycle ride, skate, paint, be creative.

* Go sit in a quiet place, your own sanctuary, and meditate.

* Go to libraries, or book stores, and lose yourself with all the information around you.

* Listen to music. The music you like, and know you will enjoy.

Remember, stress is all around you. Learn to manage it, understand it, and be aware of it. Once you are able to do this, there will be positive benefits to your child and you.

Parent with Emotional Intelligence and See the Benefits

by: Julianna Suranyi

As a mother of two boys aged 11 and 13 years old, I sometimes wish I knew what I know now when they were two years old - as most parents in general do I think, once our children continue to grow in and out of all their weird and wonderful phases.

I must say that as a single parent and sole income earner for nearly ten years that there have been many challenging moments and some just outright scary times. However, throughout all these times the one thing that I always found stable to manage was my boys. Now I am not saying they are perfection personified, far from it - but they are pretty good.

The reason I never found raising the boys as two little personalities so difficult is because I was constantly studying and then implementing the emotional and intuitive intelligence tools I was exposed to and seeking. Most of all, I decided to set a charter of trust within myself to action these tools without concern about how they would be publicly viewed or judged.

I have learned through both my psychic and intuitive profiling work and life experience that child-raising is by far the most difficult and influential position a human being can ever have. As a person who has witnessed first-hand the outcome of what parenting can let loose into and onto society, I have learned a rock solid fundamental fact that would easily be backed up by those who work within both the judicial and policing arenas: we as parents will determine and shape our children's futures until they are of an age to determine and shape their own.

Bringing children into our world should be thought about well before it occurs. Once it has occurred, at the very least, we should be questioning what kind of person we would like them to become so that we can encourage and develop in those arenas ourselves so that we are ultimately able to guide them into this.

We especially need to think about emotional intelligence when additional children come into the mix, or we will continue bad habits and problems that we seek to improve. You see ultimately, our children will model not only what we do, but also what we do not do. If we are loud our children learn this is okay, if we are quiet they also learn this is okay. They use an innate sense of intuitive savvy to tune into our emotions and our precursors, which are the motions, movements, breathing, eye movement, verbal pitches and general body sensations we subconsciously exhibit prior to our actioned behavior. This is what children then behave from.

To be emotionally intelligent is to reduce the risks that we can indirectly place on our children and to firm up the only real long-term influence we can have on them, which is to teach them to be emotionally stable, flexible and socially conscious.

So how do you do this?

1. Be aware of the stress levels you bring into your interactions with your children. I am not saying to pretend that all is perfect in your world, just to remember that this is your world, your choices and they must live with them through no choice of their own. Remember that if you are stressed and harassed that they will either feed off this or pull away from it. So you end up with a child who plays up or simply finds you too stressing, with their environment too unstable and they become insecure as a consequence of it.

2. Understand that you are human and that you were here before your children. This may be a selfish concept, but it's very important. You must remember that as a human being you are entitled to feel that you need a bit of space and time and that whether or not you are in a relationship with your children's partner that they are equally responsible to them. Children are amazingly resilient and "know" the truth as they live it. They know which parent they can rely on and the one they cannot. They rely on the reliable and consistent one...simple. If you both are reliable and consistent, then that's even better.

3. Emotional intelligence begins with parents knowing what their expectations of each other's physical and emotional commitments to their children are, so that this limits variable styles of parenting within the family structure. Defining this will restrict, if not stop, parents warring over the children and enable you to focus on healthy relationships.

4. If you are on your own, understand that you are not a super parent and you can only do what you can, when you can. Guilt has no room in the growth of emotional intelligence. I also recommend that you create little rituals for the children and yourself. This is important because it allows you to share and express away from the outside world.

The risks for children are so wide and sweeping in the world as it is now. We need to remember that we as parents do not have the right to inflict our day on our children or anyone else for that matter. We need to show some respect to our children. And we need to know the agenda we wish to parent from. Discuss and agree, seek professional assistance and structure if you need to, about your parenting styles so your children are raised with a unified, strong and disciplined format.

The little things done on a daily and weekly scale are the things our children remember; these are the things that create stable, capable and emotionally intelligent children whom we unleash into our world - a world that so desperately needs their emotional intelligence.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No PD data from opticians, too bad.

Zenni: the #1 online eyeglasses store sells prescription eyeglasses considering the health necessity behind it, but Opticians don't want give you PD data if you want to purchase. Read a professionals take on it.

Quoted by OptiBoard Professional: "Got Asked for a PD Today (First Time)
This afternoon I had a 20 something women approach me and sheepishly ask if I could measure her "pupil distance," as her eye doctor wouldn't do it for her.
I told her that I wouldn't. Actually you couldn't pay me enough to do that for anyone.I wonder how others deal with this relatively new phenomenon? I welcome you to share your experiences"

I fail to understand why Opticians keep you away from ZenniOp because it provides wearers with high quality and effective eyeglasses at affordable prices, and so if customers need the PD data to ensure proper eyeglass fitting, i don't think they should refused but Opticians should charge a fee for the service they provide. Why don't they understand how important it is for patients/customers when they purchase eye-ware especially for health reasons.

Monday, June 28, 2010

MusicMonday - ♫ Beauty and the Beast (Soundtrack) ♫

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rain guards, to help drive your family in comfort

Are you one of those drivers that enjoy the weather outside your car while your windows are down? Ok, now you wont have to worry about spoilt hairdo's and soiled clothes by the rain pouring into your car through the window because rain guards come to your rescue! You can make your purchase from, an online automotive accessories superstore since 2003 based in Edison, NJ. Moreover, when you buy family cars what do you look for? interior and exterior custom styling, performance and comfort, right? Carid offers a you with those and a terrific selection of side window deflectors that make driving during the bad weather more manageable than ever. Rain deflectors come from brand names like WeatherTech and PUTCO to guarantee top-quality unmatched anywhere else.

WeatherTech Side Window Deflectors important asset is their versatility. Not only do they insulate your vehicle during swirling winds and cut down on the excess noise, but they also provide an awning that shields your windows from being overcome with raindrops.

PUTCO Window Visors promise solid protection against wind and rain with a nice hint of style thrown in. Made from ultra-grade ABS Plastic (chrome finish) or GE™ Polycarbonate (tinted), PUTCO® Element Window Visors stand up to the harshest conditions and never back down.

Monday, June 14, 2010

MusicMonday - ♫ Panchatantra Tales - The Bird And The Monkey ♫

Watch the animation moral stories series of Panchatantra Tales - The Bird And The Monkey - a great learning experience for kids in the most entertaining and fun way.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

MusicMonday - ♫ Nursery Rhymes - Humpty Dumpty ♫

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

MusicMonday - ♫ Nursery Rhymes - Johny Johny ♫

Good nursery rhyme video from where your kid will enjoy learning Johnny Johnny, in minutes! :)

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Benefits during a water birth

Every mother wants a peaceful and gentle birth for her baby. A water birth in this case, is truly considered heavenly and beneficial for birthing mothers. This type of birth not only benefits the mother by helping better relaxation and reducing her pain, but will also benefit her baby too. While babies are inside the amniotic sac in their mothers wombs, they are warm and cozy like as if in a warm bathtub! so if you birth in a similar environment its truly going to be so gentle on the baby. Isn't it?

Some more benefits below to help you decide better :)

Baby is allowed more oxygen due to the mothers improved circulation in the water.

Due to the elasticity of the mothers vaginal tissues, the uterus muscles are more relaxed which results into a gentle and stress free birth.

Reduction of stress related hormones which move into baby through the placenta, because of a mental and physical relaxed environment.

The birthing tub will feel like moms amniotic sac and will assure security for baby.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Penguin windows - replacement windows

In very hot summers the air conditioners are in use most of the time in majority households, but sometimes the need to switch off your air conditioner does arise for certain reasons, right? Now what if your windows are filled with leakages and cracks etc, the inefficiency of your cracked windows are then going to cost you heavily! In case you maybe a new home-owner and your windows are poorly insulated and installed then this too could be the cause of your monthly high bills due to the lack of energy-efficient benefits to your home. So if you are thinking of building your new home, high quality energy-efficient windows which are attractive and beneficial for your home are advisable and these windows can also help you save on bills as well. A good brand would be Penguin Windows. Penguin Windows are currently available in Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine.

If your kitchen overlooks your garden; you can install large kitchen windows above your sink, which can also provide space for plants and other collectibles. It gives the feeling of having a mini garden overlook your main garden. If you consider a triple glass pane for your home; a triple pane offers better insulation, better noise reduction, and better security than standard double-pane windows. The panes have double coating of low- e which helps in better efficiency.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The alphabet song/Nursery rhyme for kids and babies

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tips for baby proofing your home

As a new mother you would do anything to protect your baby who is still not able to crawl, from dangers around your home. But what about when your baby begins to crawl! Would you be able to keep up to his pace of curiosity? No, and moreover now nothing that once looked perfect seems safe for baby anymore. Considering the risk and that baby relies on you for his safely, now it is time to baby proof your home to avoid baby head bumps, injuries from objects lying around and other target injures. Of course, you will need to invest in a little time and you can accomplish the task at the cost of nothing.

The first step would be to ask someone to crawl around your house and watch for any dangers from a baby eye-view. Remember your baby and his curiosity would be growing, so look out for the objects and areas that could cause him harm. Here is a few steps to follow:

1.Baby's nursery
Babies should always be put to sleep on their backs. Avoid keeping soft blankets, toys or any other objects in his crib as these pose a suffocation hazard and other injuries to babies. Check that the crib railings are 2-3/8 inches apart so baby's head wont trap in between. The mattress should be securely fitted in the crib and the railing should be high enough so baby wont crawl out. Position the crib away from windows to avoid strangulation from curtains. Keep all other baby essentials away from reach.

Lead your child up the stairs and always keep it clutter free. Use Gates on top of stairs to avoid baby's from falling off. Install secure latches on the gates. and ensure the slats are not too wide as baby can trap himself. Avoid placing flower pots on the stairs which can topple over.

3.Living Room
Always keep the floors slippery free or install a carpet for better safety measures. Move book shelves into the storeroom or anchor them to the wall. Check for tiny objects on the floor which baby can get hold of and pop into her mouth. Plug up or tape all electrical sockets in all rooms. Check for broken window panes. Secure all electrical gadgets so that it doesn't topple over baby. Install bumper cushions to the edge of sharp furniture to prevent baby from injuries.

Put cleaners high up away in cabinets or use childproof locks on the lower cabinets doors. Use door stops on drawers and store sharp knives/glassware and other kitchen utensils away in the higher drawers. Keep handles of pots and pans with food cooking facing the back of the stove, for babies attempting to stand, will try to reach out and pull them. Never prepare baby food with hot boiling water or pass it over a baby. Check your child's high chair is well equipped with restrained straps. Make sure the child is strapped on his waist and between his legs securely. Keep baking soda and a fire extinguisher in case of fire.

Medicines, cosmetics and other essentials should be stored away in cabinets out of baby's reach. Don't set the heater for more than 120 degrees F, and check the temp before pouring on baby's body during his bath. Utilize a no-slip or rubber mat for baby in the tub and never leave him unattended. Install lids on toilets seats and when not in use, keep it closed

Online casino

Surfing around the internet, i came across a large number of kids online game sites but i wasn't able to find games suitable to play as a mom. I felt there weren't any games created for elders until i came across a casino site created for online entertainment. Online casino is a technology powered and most reliable online casino game created for a Vegas like experience, but online! Players can avail a bonus when they open a new account, and valued customers will be offered monthly special rewards and programs.

It's a pretty good game site for Parents who stay at home wondering what else to do other than just networking on the internet. If you are one of them, what are doing? Go try an online slots casino right now!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Unsafe foods to avoid during pregnancy

I had listed a few foods to avoid during pregnancy in my previous post, now i'll add more unsafe foods...

Here we go:

Raw or undercooked meat- due to the risk of infested bacteria known as salmonella. By consuming raw meats a pregnant woman may suffer from nausea and diarrhea and most importantly may lead to severe complications putting the baby's life at risk, as the complications could result in miscarriages or pre-term births. Other foods in this category to be avoided are sushi, raw sea-food like shellfish, hot dogs, deli meats, poultry, pork, raw eggs because of the risk of being contaminated with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella.

Fish high in mercury- Seafood like shark, Swordfish, king mackerel, Tilefish should be avoided as they contain accumulated high levels of mercury in their tissues which is harmful to the baby, and may cause neurological damages and other developmental problems.

Soft Cheese- Feta, Gorgonzola, Queso Blanco, Queso Fresco, Brie and Camembert, contain listeria, a potential bacteria, which may lead to food poisoning or miscarriages.

Caffeine and Alcohol- Caffeine consumption should be strictly avoided or cautiously consumed as it is known to put a pregnant women to a miscarriage risk, or result in pre-term births. Alcohol consumption can result in miscarriages and premature birth too, along with low birth weight or learning disabilities of the born child, thus should be strictly avoided too.

Extra tips-
Hot dogs can be eaten if they are steamed well.

Eat safely :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Get your own web hosting now!

I have been on the internet for years now and the amount of mothers and parents taking to blogging are amazing as everybody is looking out to make some money online! I own several blogs in the web world myself, but i've always been doughtful about hosting my blog on paid hosting unlike other moms out here who are able to build successful profitable sites for themselves. My main reason is, i fear data loss which i definitely don't want. But, someday i might just change my mind and buy one for all blogs as i now understand the benefits of web hosting!

Being owners of a site/blog over the web, majority of users like you know the importance of web hosting and domain names for your own sites, Isn't it? No one likes to risk losing important website data or experience downtimes from free web hosting providers, but as we convince ourselves to buy web hosting we should also research the latest trends in web development and look out for the best service provider for our websites/blogs, at a budget we can all manage and by which we are also able to enjoy all the best features offered. Before you choose to buy any web hosting always read the web hosting reviews by highly experienced webmasters who will provide honest reviews, and this will help you make decisions. Your site should rank higher on the search engines and your blog will also be secured on the web.

Having written the above, heres a vital piece of news and information from web hosting! from the apps and programs needed to provide hosting, a software monitors bandwidth( downloading of data) by a tool called host tools. This is beneficial for the provider who is able to bill customers for bandwidth usage. Navigating the cpanel used for building sites is very easy once you get the hang of it. I am ready for a web hosting :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Moms, hurry to for product coupons!

I got some good news here! Are you a mom keen to save on shopping? Every women infact, looks out for great quality products at low prices to save money, and why spend more, when i already found some great discount and promotional codes on goods bought to you by friends at

You must visit the stores section to avail the Bed Bath and Beyond coupons. For years, customers have been happily shopping for linens, decor, cleaning supplies, kitchen electrics, gifts and more.. this one stop shop provides customers with needs for their home and lifestyle and they even have stores across the United States, Canada and New Zealand. The wide selection offered to customers at low prices prove a great marketing strategy for the success of Bed Bath and Beyond. Exceptional service, free shipping services, coupons at affordable prices, all add to attracting more customers to their store! Though most brands offered here are conventional, you might find products from Tommy Hilfiger, Oneida, Lenox and many more.. what are you waiting for, the latest codes will help all you moms save plenty of money on shopping!

Also check out the Home Depot coupon code at 40,000 products including building and landscaping materials can be found at the home improvement store. The offers are taken away like hot cakes, so hurry :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A delicious, spicy nutrela(soya chunks) recipe for kids

My kids love spicy food and cant do without it, and if for a day i plan to change the menu to light meals, they'll fuss and wont have their food. I guess all moms are aware of this nature side of their kids and they'll rather try to stick to what the kids love. If your from India, you might understand what i mean right? But spicy food isn't that unhealthy after all so here is a recipe prepared with soy chunks and lot of spice but really nutritious and healthy for the kids. I love soya chunks(nutrela) which is rich in protein and we have it as a substitute if meat isn't available. Moms just sit down to a table served with hot spicy nutrela and rice with kids after school, they'll love it! If you are already scared of the read fiery color in the image! don't worry it's just the tomato ketchup :)

Spicy Manchurian nutrela (soya chunks)

100 grams soya chunks
1 tsp finely chopped ginger and garlic
1/4 cup finely chopped capsicum
2 tbsp oil
1/4 finely chopped onion
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp hot sauce ( chilli sauce )
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tbsp finely chopped tomato
salt as per taste

In a big pan pour 4 cups water and after it starts boiling, stop the stove and put the soya chunks in it. Leave it for 3 mins. Drain the water and squeeze all the water from the soya. Be careful since it will be very hot. So cool it a little and squeeze. Do this method again to remove the raw smell in the soya nuggets. Then chop each one into 2 pieces.

In another pan pour 2 tbsp of oil and put finely chopped ginger and garlic and fry for 30 sec. Now add the chopped onion and fry for 2 mins, then add chopped capsicum and fry till they are half cooked. Put the soya chunks and chopped tomato along with capsicum and fry for a min. Pour soy sauce, hot sauce, tomato ketchup and fry for 5 mins in medium flame till cooked. Tasty soya chunks manchurian is ready to be served as a side dish.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Local Insurance

If you are an ambitious person wishing to touch the sky through your dream business, you may put in all efforts to research about your business beforehand. This is something every person should always do, and so obviously a research is compulsory, but you must also get yourself a business insurance which is a very crucial part of business and a wise thing to do. One can never predict a perfect business so in case your business suffers losses, but your business is insuranced then you will be compensated by your chosen insurance company, provided you were also paying the amount charged by the company. Its also very necessary to get a home insurance, insurance for kids are a must too, and remember most important a life insurance is a must for you never know what might happen.

If you a resident of new York and you are thinking of initiating a business you might need to get in touch with local agents to get you one, and for that i recommend a New York business insurance agent right there on the link. You can also save up 35% on

Insurance on Wikipedia gives us a great insight into how insurance policies are managed so i recommend reading it as many of us are still illiterate about insurance policies.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Have you heard about N-viro soil?

Have you heard about N-viro soil? The food we have and cook in our homes are cultivated and then bought to our markets. We buy our food products items, and cook and give our families to consume, but we must also ensure our food is grown on rich soil like N-Viro soil. This site, has lots of information for people to know how good soil like made. N-Viro offers other products other than soil like opportunities fuels too.

N-Viro International Corporation develops and licenses its technology to municipalities and private companies. Their patented processes use lime and/or mineral-rich, combustion byproducts to treat, pasteurize, immobilize and convert wastewater sludge and other bio-organic wastes into alternative energy and agricultural and soil-enrichment products with real market value.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Clear your debts with debt management advice

Are you trapped in a web of debts? If you are, and looking for a easier ways to eliminate all the debt burdens of your head then i recommend you to apply online, at where their professional trained staff will ease your stress with their Debt Management Advice. Welcome solutions is on its thirteenth year of helping people getting their debts under control and even today their have very satisfied clients. The clients being helped by then are no less then thousands and you must join them.

You can chat live with a trained debt adviser who is available all times during their open hours. This facility can be used at your convenience.

Welcome Solutions operates an open debt surgery where you can talk to an adviser without having to take any appointment as it is an open service. You can visit them on Monday, Friday, and Saturday, so start planning to make a visit to them soon.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Parents can check out free coupon deals from

I found all you moms a new savings site recommended by one of my friends, who is also a mom. This young mom, who believes in savings a lot, has picked up her favorite Baby coupons from and is more than satisfied with it.

But it is not only moms who hang around there, everyone who loves the benefits of saving can take a look at the free coupon deals from different categories and if you enjoy being a foodie, you have your delicious tantalizing Food coupons there too.

Friends i request you to hurry and visit, and grab your favorite deals and Savings coupons and don't forget to check out the days online deals.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Creating a kid friendly garden

Many women and children are passionate for gardening. It's one of the most exciting activities they have included into their daily lives, and just like a mother cares for her kids, she also cares for her garden the same way. But just as the necessities needed to care for kids, she also needs the necessary tools that will help her in setting up her garden and lawn aerators make they way on the top most list or the garden she has been anticipating won't even reach is initiative stage of the process. If you plan to create a kids friendly garden, your child will surely be a part of it from start, so ensure he doesn't try to work the lawn aerator which is also the most dangerous of all the other garden and lawn tools.

Spring is one the best times for gardening, though gardening can be encouraged any time of the year depending on the weather. When Michelle Obama set the perfect example by setting up a girl's garden in the house didn't she prove that gardening is a perfect passion for all moms, and their families? I suggest all parents to inspire their kids to set up a garden based on their imaginations. Let them create a make-believe environment such as a fairyland theme or any character from their story books. Spending gardening moment's with your kids will help outdoor environmental bonding, plus improve on their creativity naturally along with their parents. Take precaution not to allow them with objects and tools that might pose injuries to them, and gardening will be fun!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tips for teaching your baby sign language

Don't frustrate yourself while trying to make your baby understand something or while getting him to communicate. These simple steps will help you build a better bonding with him. Teaching him sign language will not delay his speech but get him to express faster.

Pair the words you speak with gestures

When your child attempts gestures back to you, praise him excitedly, ensuring never to bore him while playing this game.

When you show him a sign, do it consistently like every time you do an activity with him, for eg: while feeding or changing his diapers.

Start with one sign and try to stick to it until your baby learns it but never abandon the first sign- you can use it frequently though.

You may find your baby invent a sign himself knowing that everything has a sign now, so do not discourage it, in fact correct it and continue using it with him while also praising him for his efforts.

Finally, don't expect your baby to learn a sign in a single night! he'll learn it at his own time, just be patient with him.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Babies base will help you be a better parent

Being an internet addict i am always on the look out for new articles and sites for information to satisfy my curiosity on how things work, but most important, i search for information that would be useful for me and my kids. How to raise them the best i can, etc..

All other parents should take a look at babiesbase which is a baby site and provides plenty of information on topics like pregnancy, and elder kids as well. I think i should also register on the site so that as a member i can discuss my parenting problems and lend my advice to other mothers on the forums itself.

I know of many curious first time moms who don't know what and how to do a certain something for their babies. They try searching the internet for help. There are some dads too, who are left alone in the house to care for their kids while their wives are away at work. These parents would be pleased to gather so much information from one site alone.